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2014-02-11 21:23 来源:国医在线 发布人:岐黄 浏览:

李具宝1,2 熊启良1 亓峰1 余喆1 屈尚可1 张磊1 王琦1,2 包可1,2 李帆冰1,2

  (1.云南中医学院第一附属医院骨科,昆明市光华街120号,云南昆明 650000;2.云南省中医骨关节病诊疗中心)

  [摘要] 目的:总结和分析近10年国内医学期刊公开发表的中药内服治疗腰椎间盘突出症文献中特殊中药的应用现状。方法:通过统一检索式,委托专业文献查新人员检索万方、维普、CNKI三大数据库,再通过统一的纳入标准、排除标准、资料提取与文献质量评价三个环节对检索结果进行分析。并对药物分类、特殊用药前20位的药物出现频次及出现百分率进行排序。结果:最终有效文献为654篇。中药内服治疗腰椎间盘突出症特殊用药前20位的药物排序依次为:桃仁红花乳香、没药、元胡、川乌、草乌、蕲蛇、土鳖虫三七细辛附子马钱子骨碎补血竭蜈蚣、蚤休、乌梢蛇、龟甲、蛰虫;药物功效分类依次为:活血止痛药、活血调经药、祛风寒湿药、活血疗伤药、化瘀止血药、发散风寒药、息风止痉药、补阴药、温里药、破血消癥药。结论:瘀血致痛在腰椎间盘突出症的病机中占有重要的地位,使用部分活血止痛、活血调经、活血疗伤、化瘀止血药物,在改善病机和消除这一病理产物方面具有其重要的临床意义;在中药内服治疗腰椎间盘突出症中,在使用祛风散寒除湿药物的同时,适当加之虫类药,即能搜风邪、透关节,又能祛内外之风邪。

  [关键词] 中药内服;腰椎间盘突出症;文献;特殊中药;应用现状

  To summarize and analyze the application status of the special traditional Chinese medicine in the past 10 years, domestic medical journals published in the literature of Chinese Herbs treatment of Lumbar disc herniation

  Li Jubao1,2 Xiong Qiliang1 Qi Feng1 Yu Zhe1 Qu Shangke1 Zhang Lei Wang Qi1,2 Bao Ke1,2 Li Fanbing1,2

  (1.The Affiliated Hospital of Yunnan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Department of orthopedics, Kunming Guanghua Street 120, Yunnankunming 650000; 2.Yunnan Province Traditional Chinese medicine bone and joint disease diagnosis and treatment center)

  Objective: To summarize and analyze the application status of the special traditional Chinese medicine in the past 10 years, domestic medical journals published in the literature of Chinese Herbs treatment of Lumbar disc herniation. Methods: Through the unified retrieval type, commissioned by the professional literature to check the new staff to retrieve three databases articles of the Wanfang, Weipu and CNKI, and then by the inclusion criteria, exclusion criteria, data extraction and quality assessment to analyze the three links on search results. And drug classification, the top 20 drugs in special medication frequency and the emergence of sort. Results: The final effective literature is 491, among there are special medication literature is 654. The top order 20 of the special internal traditional Chinese medicine treating Lumbar disc herniation is Taoren, Honghua, Ruxiang, Moyao, Yuanhu, Chuanwu, Caowu, Qishe, Tubiechong, Sanqi, Xixin, Fuzi, Maqianzi, Gusuibu, Xuejie, Wugong, Zaoxiu, Wushaoshe, Guijia, Zhechong. Chinese medicine efficacy classification followed by Promoting blood circulation and pain medication, Huoxue Tiaojing medicine, dispelling wind and cold, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis therapy medicine, hemostatic, expelling cold medicine, endogenous wind antispasmodic drugs, yin tonic, medicine in temperature, broken blood Xiaozheng pills. Conclusion: Blood stasis is an important factor in the treatment of lumbar disc herniation occupies, It is necessary that to use Blood stasis removing Chinese medicine to treatment of Lumbar disc herniation. In traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of lumbar disc herniation, In addition to the use of wind, cold, wet drugs at the same time the appropriate use of insect drugs.

  Keyword Chinese herbs; Lumbar disc herniation; literature; special traditional Chinese medicine; application status

  腰椎间盘突出症(Lumbar disc herniation,LDH)是指腰椎间盘退变的基础上纤维环破裂髓核突出进而压迫和刺激神经根所引起的一系列症状和体征[1]。临床上LDH是引起腰腿痛的最常见原因,病程迁延,容易反复,严重影响患者的生活质量。中医学在此类疾病的治疗中积累了丰富的临床经验,且方便易行,价廉效优,安全性较高,且以中药内服为主,适合长期使用,故越来越引起医学界的关注和广大患者的青睐,值得进一步探究和推广。为了探讨内服中药治疗LDH的用药规律,作者对近10年国内公开发表的治疗LDH内服中药中相对特殊的药物进行了总结和分析。

  1 资料与方法

  1.1 一般资料


  1.2 方法

  1.2.1 检索策略

  以腰椎间盘突出症 and (中医 or 中药 or 中草药)为检索式,委托专业文献查新人员检索万方、维普、CNKI三大数据库。

  1.2.2 纳入标准


  1.2.3 排除标准


  1.2.4 资料提取与文献质量评价 由5名资深的文献检索人员分别仔细阅读所获取文献的文题、摘要和全文,以确定符合纳入标准的文献,并交叉核对,如有分歧意见,则通过讨论或由通讯作者协助解决。