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2014-02-10 10:01 来源:未知 发布人:岐黄 浏览:

李具宝1 张磊2 屈尚可2 曾炎2 李晓媛3 吕航3 陈泰玻3 包可1 王琦1

  1.云南中医学院第一附属医院骨科,云南 昆明 650021

  2.云南中医学院硕士研究生,云南 昆明 650021

  3.云南中医学院临床医学院,云南 昆明 650021

  [摘要] 目的:总结和分析近10年国内医学期刊公开发表的中药内服治疗膝骨关节炎的文献中特殊中药应用现状。方法:通过统一检索式,委托专业文献查新人员检索万方、维普、CNKI三大数据库,再通过纳入标准、排除标准、资料提取与文献质量评价三个环节对检索结果进行分析。并对药物分类、特殊用药前20位药物出现频次及出现百分率进行排序。结果:最终有效文献为491篇,其中出现特殊用药的文献有209篇。中药内服治疗膝骨关节炎特殊用药前20位的药物排序依次为川乌、细辛蜈蚣附子土鳖虫、草乌、全蝎、半夏、胆南星马钱子桃仁红花、乌梢蛇、水蛭血竭三七延胡索、路路通、穿山甲、白花蛇;药物功效分类依次为祛风寒湿药、活血止痛药、活血调经药、活血疗伤药、破血消癥药、息风止痉药、发散风寒药、温里药、温化寒痰药、化瘀止血药。结论:风、寒、湿三邪可能为膝骨关节炎的主要致病外因;膝骨关节炎风寒湿痹证出现的频率可能要比热痹证出现的频率高。

  Analysis of special traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis in the literature for nearly a decade application

  Objective: To summarize and analyze the application status of the special traditional Chinese medicine in the past 10 years, domestic medical journals published in the literature of Chinese Herbs treatment of knee osteoarthritis. Methods: Through the unified retrieval type, commissioned by the professional literature to check the new staff to retrieve three databases articles of the Wanfang, Weipu and CNKI, and then by the inclusion criteria, exclusion criteria, data extraction and quality assessment to analyze the three links on search results. And drug classification, the top 20 drugs in special medication frequency and the emergence of sort. Results: The final effective literature is 491, among there are special medication literature is 209. The top order 20 of the special internal traditional Chinese medicine treating knee osteoarthritis is Chuanwu, Xixin, Wugong, Fuzi, Tubiechong, Caowu, Quanxie, Banxia, Dannanxing, Maqianzi, Taoren, Honghua, Wuxiaoshe, Shuizhi, Xuexie, Sanqi, Yanhusuo, Lulutong, Chuanshanjia, Baihuashe. Chinese medicine efficacy classification followed by expelling wind, cold and dampness medicine, Huoxuezhitong medicine promoting blood circulation and regulating menstruation medicine, activating blood and healing medicine expelling blood and Xiaozhi medicine, blowing out wind and antispasmodic medicine diffusing wind and cold medicine, warm body medicine warming and melting cold sputum. Conclusion: wind, cold, wet evil probablly is the major risk of knee osteoarthritis external. The alpine arthralgia of knee osteoarthritis wind frequency may be more than hot arthralgia appear frequently.

  [关键词] 中药内服;膝骨关节炎;文献;特殊中药;应用现状

  Keyword Chinese herbs; knee osteoarthritis; literature; special traditional Chinese medicine; application status

  膝关节骨性关节炎(Knee Osteoarthritis,KOA)是一种常见的慢性、进行性、退行性骨关节病。患者以中老年人居多,随着社会人口老龄化的进程,其发病率呈上升趋势[1]。中医药在KOA治疗中积累了丰富的用药经验,具有简便验廉和安全性较高的特点,且以中药内服为主,适合长期使用,故越来越引起医学界的关注和广大患者的青睐,值得进一步研究和推广。


  1 资料与方法

  1.1 一般资料


  1.2 方法

  1.2.1 检索策略

  以(膝关节骨性关节炎 or 膝关节炎 or 膝骨关节炎 or膝骨痹 or 膝关节退变 or 膝关节退行性疾病) and (中药 or 中医药 or 中成药 or 方药 or 方剂 or 中草药) and (口服 or 内服 or 内治)为检索式,委托专业文献查新人员检索万方、维普、CNKI三大数据库。

  1.2.2 纳入标准


  1.2.3 排除标准


  1.2.4 资料提取与文献质量评价
