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2017-09-27 17:26 来源:国医在线 发布人:高燕仙 浏览:

张琨 吕红玲 黎玉叶 李潇




  【关键词】人文关怀 模拟教学 体格检查

  Analysis the application of humanistic care in medical

  examination simulation teaching of Medical College in Yunnan Province

  Lvhongling lixiao Liyuye

  (Yunnan traditional medical college Yunankunming)

  【Abstract】In order to improve physical examination operation level and improve the humanistic quality of medical students, promote the students to understand humanistic, the teachers of Yunnan Province in a medical college put the humanistic care concept into the physical examination simulation teaching. Object and methods: 1 subjects: the students of majoring in clinical medicine of traditional Chinese medicine and Western Medicine。 2 methods: Investigate students with questionnaire survey, 169 questionnaires, 169 copies.Through the investigation,The teachers can understand the students' awareness of humanistic care in physical examination situation and summe up the problems and resolvent in the teaching . The teachers divided the students into experimental group and control group. The corresponding measures are applied in the experimental group in the teaching, the traditional teaching method are applied in the control group used. The results: In the control group, the average score was 71.037.In experimental group, the average score was 80.17. p≤0.05, there are significant differences.Conclusion: If the teachers put humanistic care into the physical examination simulation teaching in Colleges of traditional Chinese medicine,it can improve the students' understanding of humanistic care,cultivate the students' interest in learning, improve students' physical examination and operation level.

  【Key word】Humanistic care Simulation teaching Physical examination







  2.方法:对学生进行了问卷调查,发放问卷169份,收回169份,每位研究对象在体格检查实践学习前填写调查表,每一份调查问卷采用无记名调查, 问卷上的所有问题均为选择题,通过调查了解学生对体格检查中人文关怀认识的情况,总结出在今后教学中需改进的问题及措施,后将改进措施实施于教学中。




  以上调查结果提示:在中医院校,99.4%的学生认为体格检查在临床工作中是重要的;98.8%的学生认为在体格检查中,需要体现人文关怀;83.4% 的学生不知道如何在体格检查中体现人文关怀,仅16.6%的学生认为自己知道如何在体格检查中体现人文关怀。75.7%的学生不了解人文关怀的内涵,仅24.3%的学生认为自己了解人文关怀的内涵。